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Protecting Your Ability to Dream with God

Updated: Apr 27, 2023

As a child, what did you dream about? You may have dreamed about leaping over buildings in a single bound and chasing down villains on your way to becoming a superhero. In comparison, others saw themselves putting out the ravaging fire or rescuing a kitten in a tree. Yet, another individual sees themselves as a driver transporting people where they need to go or a race car driver screaming around the track and breaking world records. As children, we have an extraordinary capacity to dream. Our minds are to be filled with impossible feats. However, we quickly find ourselves asking if the dreams are utterly impossible or if they are a steppingstone into the God-ordained plans and purposes for your life.

The exciting thing about dreamers is that if they can learn to dream in alignment with God, that mountains truly do move. It is the dreamers that create new gadgets that impact our everyday lives. So, what is happening in your headspace? Psychology Today tells us that about 70 percent of our mental chatter is negative.<1> I was a bit shocked! What happened to the dreams and the promises of God over our lives? Where did the negative brain chatter begin to override the Heaven-ordained mindset?

Do not copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good, pleasing, and perfect.<2>

This Scripture tells me that if I do not copy the behaviors and customs of the world that:

· God will change me into a new person

· That God will change the way that I think

· I will know God's will for me

What a fantastic promise that is from the Kingdom of Heaven.

Therefore, it is my responsibility to hold my thoughts captive and align them with God. God's responsibility is to change me into a new person, change my thought process, and open me to hear and receive what He says over my life.

As God does this, He redefines me. As He redefines me, the pain of my past does not have the right to keep me from my future. I must understand that He has made me for more. I must come back into alignment to dream the impossible dreams that God has placed within me and maybe even step into the reality of those dreams.

"He has fashioned and positioned you before you were even born to go beyond your fears, insecurities, bumps, bruises and hurts."<3>

You are created to move beyond your fears, insecurities, bumps, bruises, and hurts. You are made to move past the negative words spoken over you and even the negative chatter in your brains. Your brains are wired to hear the voice of your Heavenly Father spurring you onward to victory. How do you get there? You begin to align your thoughts with His thoughts about you. As your thoughts come into alignment with the realm of Heaven you begin to dream again, not just any dream but His dream for you.

<1> Raghunathan, Raj. "How Negative Is Your 'Mental Chatter'?" Psychology Today, Sussex Publishers, 10 Oct. 2013, Accessed 6/16/2020

<2> Romans 12:2 Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

<3> Hendrickson, Ruth. Positioned: How to Be Aligned & Empowered to Walk In Your Divine Destiny. Lifewise Books, 2018.

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