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The Power of Worship

Have you ever had a moment when the Lord brings something to mind? Or when he causes a long-forgotten item to land at your fingertips? 

It was a typical cleaning day when a printed email from 2014 fluttered onto the top of my pile. It was a message from a dear friend she had written to her "kids" and graciously shared with me. And now, I have her permission to pass it on to you. 

As I read through the words of this email, I was deeply moved. You will be challenged, encouraged, and blessed by its profound message. 

"Facedown worship is the overflow of a heart humbled and amazed by the glory of God," says Matt Redman in his book Facedown. This posture mirrors the posture of those surrounding the throne of God. "All the angels were standing around the throne and the elders and the four living creatures. They fell down on their faces before the throne and worshipped God." (Revelation 7:11). When Ezekiel got a glimpse of heaven, he "fell facedown." (Ezekiel 1:28). Throughout Scripture we see examples of those who have had an encounter with the glory of God and end up facedown. Moses, Aaron, King David, Daniel, Peter, James, and John re-postured themselves upon meeting the Lord.

Matt Redman beautifully reminds us that our worship of God - our reverence for Him - must permeate even the smallest details of our lives. Worship, in its truest form, must become a lifestyle. In their deep reverence, the Jewish people eliminated the vowels when writing God's name to remind themselves of His holiness. For instance, Yahweh would be written YHWH. When Jesus walked the earth, His mission was to glorify His Father in Heaven. He gave us a profound example of the highest form of worship when He willingly died on the Cross. This sacrificial worship, with its unique aroma, is unlike any other. 

One day, we will join the heavenly chorus in worshipping God. Yet, we have the unique opportunity to display an even greater and higher form of worship here on earth. The worship of heaven, in its perfect atmosphere of love, light, and peace, is free from any hindrances to one's focus on the One true God. However, when worship takes place during a dark night of the soul, amid loss, sorrow, and pain, through our willingness to sacrifice, it ascends above the worship in heaven as sweet incense to the Lord. He takes note of our intentional worship, for we have chosen to exalt Him despite our difficulties. 

Heavenly Father, I humbly ask for your forgiveness for the times when I have not allowed your presence to permeate every area of my life. Forgive me when I have merely gone through the motions of worship, rather than truly entering into worship. I choose to be intentional about my worship rather than allowing it to be based on perceptions and feelings. Heavenly Father, I ask you to open my senses to the flow of your presence as I worship. Thank you, Father, for giving me the opportunity to experience and display a greater and higher level of worship here on earth. Thank you, Lord, for opening up the sphere of true worship to me! 

And thank you, Joan, for sharing your letter to the "kids" with us.

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