I love the moment when people realize that God created them for more. And I love the moment when people make a choice to step into the plans, purposes, and destiny that God created them for. I have a passion for training and equipping them so that they can move forward in a way that honors God.
In 2001, while attending a conference in Canada, God called me into ministry. With every call, there are both process and timing elements. At that point all I did was say yes, well, I said yes AFTER I fought with God. He won! Years went by, and God took me through a very long, extended boot camp. With each lesson, I learned more and became stronger and more confident in the calling. Through the years God spoke the calling again and confirmed it over and over through various prophets. The God dream He has placed within me marinated for years until it became a “now” word and I moved entirely into that dream.
Throughout the boot camp years, I learned what it meant to be a pastor. I served on pastoral staff at a church. It was there that I learned to love people and minister to people from another perspective. During this time, I developed material, trained, equipped and released ministry teams.
Additionally, I developed and wrote curriculum for Ministry Team Training and also for Emotional (Inner) Healing (Mashah: Emotional Healing and Deliverance), and Prophetic. I preached, ministered and loved people right where they were. I loved doing this; however, I knew that call went far beyond the local church. At some point, I realized that I would have to leave the comfort of what I've known to pursue the unknown and the fullness of the dream that God had placed within me. That day came in 2017.
Now I have the absolute delight of taking this ministry out of my local church and into the body of Christ. I have the honor of equipping many people and ushering them into more of God. This equipping happens through a variety of venues from large conferences to small gatherings, from general topics (such as hope) to more targeted training such as Mashah. The training happens online and in-person. In addition, I am a course facilitator for Everlasting Love Academy and also write for Elijah List. I am continually amazed at the goodness of God and the doors He has opened.
My heart's desire is to see the Body of Christ walking in POWER that comes directly from the Throne Room of Heaven. Now, that is exciting…it is more than I had ever hoped for or had ever imagined!
"This ministry changed my life!" - Ministry Receiver
Our Mission
We exist to train and equip people to walk in their God-ordained destiny.

Ruth and her family (left to right): Alan, Donna, Marissa, Ruth, Mark, Christian, Eleya, Steve.

Our Vision
Bring the reality of Heaven to earth.