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Homeschooling? Consequence or Calling?

Updated: Apr 27, 2023

Many parents today are facing a homeschool dilemma. Are you one of them? And by default, an increasing number of grandparents find themselves in this same category as they help to care for their grandchildren. Coupled with the anti-Biblical curriculum taught in many school districts, parents find themselves thrust into a position of homeschooling to some degree.

Before we go further, as a Jesus-loving parent, you are called to homeschool at some level. We mustn't allocate the teaching of Biblical principles to someone else. If we leave it up to the school system, our children will likely become atheists. The church has a part to play, but we cannot leave it fully there either. It is impossible to escape the fact that the bulk of that training has to be taught and modeled in the home.

Dedicate your children to God and point them in the way that they should go, and the values they've learned from you will be with them for life. Proverbs 22:6 TPT

So, for those of you who cringe at being a homeschool parent – by God's standards, you already are!

Let's take this a step further. What if you are being called to teach your children to read and write at home. Or how about Algebra, Physics, and Economics. Some people step into this naturally, while others enter the homeschool arena kicking and screaming.

When God made it abundantly clear that we were to homeschool, I began kicking and screaming. Not only was I not qualified for this by the world standards, but I also was not qualified even by my standards. I had a million excellent reasons not to do this crazy thing, but God had one very compelling reason that had the power to override my reasons. His reasoning was that He was calling. When God calls us into something, we can be assured that the call will always carry the ability to be successful.

Well-meaning people told us that our kids would be socially stunted and awkward. I had to fight the fear that I would ruin them academically. We had to walk through seasons where it was easy and seasons where it was difficult. But what we did was continue to put one foot in front of the other and do a lot of praying.

At this point in life, I am well beyond the homeschool years. However, I will remember the fear and trepidation. I also have a gift from God, hours with my children that I would have missed had I not been obedient to God. Memories that never would have been created. And the knowledge that for our family, God was calling us to homeschool.

Are you struggling with your ability to homeschool and all the questions surrounding that decision? If so, this podcast has been created specifically for you.

Furthermore, if God has allowed you to leave your children in a public or private school setting, remember, you still homeschool! You are the one called to bring them up in the things of God! And, we bless you in your journey.

Either way, if you have been given the gift of children, you are a homeschooler. Don't underestimate how God will use you in the lives of your children. Keep an ear turned to Him, and don't allow the culture to speak louder than the Father. You've got this!

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