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Finding Your Priestly Identity

Updated: Apr 27, 2023

When God called me into the ministry, I accepted that call with quite a bit of kicking and screaming. I am a pastor's kid, so one thing I never wanted to do, was to be in a formal ministry position.

Peter makes a statement in 1 Peter 2:9 that we are all priests; in fact, you are part of a royal priesthood.

Over the years, we have worked diligently to align our identities with what God says. It has become common to identify as a:


Bride of Christ/Sons of God



And more

However, we seldom truly identify with what it means to be a priest, let alone part of a royal priesthood.

What do you think of when you think of royalty? It may be the British royal family, Hollywood movie stars, or a nation's king for many. However, those are all worldly positions rather than heavenly mandates.

As a priest, you are to:

Provide a way for people to meet God

Operate in the healthy fear of the Lord

Know the mandates of God

Bring Heaven to Earth

Shift atmospheres

Release blessing

Our world is hurting and desperately needs the royal priesthood to assume its position. To carry the position as a priest laity must stop depending on the paid or recognized pastor to be the priest. Each person must accept the mantle and step into their identity and authority.

Heavenly Father, I come before you now, and I confess that I have not accepted my position as a priest or part of the royal priesthood. I ask your forgiveness for knowingly or unknowingly not taking on this identity. I accept the royal mantle of a priest in the Kingdom of Heaven. I am here for such a time as this, and you have called me to bring heaven to earth. I accept the mandate that I am to make way for people to meet with you and be a releaser of authentic blessing. Heavenly Father, my spirit soars as I step into another level of my relationship with you. Thank you, Lord, for your plans and purposes and what you will do as I step into my position.

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