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Updated: Jul 13, 2023

Have you ever had one of those days when life seems confusing? As I sit here, I realize that there is often a vast difference between receiving wisdom and feeling wise. Often we pray for wisdom and feel none the wiser after we’ve prayed. In fact, sometimes we can feel even more confused! I love how the verse in James 1:5 reads in the New Living Translation. He states, “If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and He will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking”. I see a few key components in that Scripture verse that I would like to point out. Lets’ take a look at the following statements:

Ask our generous God – This speaks instruction telling me that I am to ASK and not stay silent. I am asking a God who is willing to impart far beyond what I expect because He is generous.

He will give it – This confirms that I cannot fail by asking. He is faithful, His promises are true, therefore, can ask with confidence that He WILL answer.

He will not rebuke – This tells me that I never need to feel inadequate or stupid for asking God for wisdom. I will always be received with love.

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We base so much on how we feel that we often allow our emotions to override the promises of God, or at least I do! God is so much bigger than our mindsets and emotions. His wisdom far surpasses our understanding. We must learn to lean on His promises. He tells us that when we ask for wisdom He WILL give it. And, in Scripture, the word “will” means “will”.

Father, give me the courage to come to you and ask you for wisdom knowing that you will generously give wisdom. And, when I feel none the wiser, give me the strength to stand on your Word and realize that wisdom is not based on my feelings but on your promised response to my asking.

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